Underground Cable Route
Will conducts a Phase 1 survey
The largest Phase 1 survey Wild Frontier Ecology has conducted covered the zone of influence of a 45 km underground cable route, stretching from the North Norfolk Coast to central Norfolk. The route was buffered by 70 to 100 metres and walked by a team of trained surveyors. Habitats were classified and mapped to JNCC standards. Habitat maps were provided for the whole route and also at a smaller scale for each 1 km grid square the route passed through. Maps were supported by detailed target notes and photographs which highlighted habitat features and potential protected species issues.
Further specialist arboricultural and hedgerow surveys were then undertaken in some areas to minimise damage to habitats and inform a locally sensitive hedgerow re-planting scheme. WFE provided significant input into the survey design to ensure it provided the developer with all the necessary information to ensure sensitive habitats and features could be avoided.