On some sites, particularly larger projects, there may be implications for habitats which have potential to support valued populations of invertebrates. A few UK species are protected by law, while many others have an elevated conservation status through listing in Red Data Books or nationally scarce listings.
Wild Frontier Ecology has capability to undertake terrestrial invertebrate survey and assessment. Normally such surveys can only be undertaken during April to September, because of the seasonal abundance of many species.
A first step in invertebrate assessment would be appraise the habitat quality for invertebrates. Such an appraisal would look for features such as standing water, tree cover and vegetation, grassland age, structure and quality, presence of dead wood features, bare ground etc.
Surveys can use various sampling techniques, including vacuum sampling, hand netting, pitfall traps, aerial traps and other more specific trapping methods. Usually surveys would focus on the better-known invertebrate taxa. Samples are analysed and assessed for the quality of assemblage present, as well as the presence of rare species.
Aquatic invertebrate survey services are also available.
Project Examples
Assessing invertebrates along a new road route
Wild Frontier Ecology was commissioned to provide an assessment of invertebrate populations along the route of a new road scheme in Norfolk. The entire route was walked and appraised for…