Will is WFE’s built environment, Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM specialist. He has worked on over 100 such projects since joining WFE in 2008, across the east of England and London. Through close consultation with developers and architects he has successfully designed ecological enhancement packages or Landscape and Habitat Management Plans for the Ecology section of these assessments. This has ranged from recommending garden planting options for housing developments, to designing green and brown roofs for high-rise office buildings.
Will is also proficient in protected species surveys, including for great crested newts for which he holds a licence. He is skilled in report writing, including ecological site appraisals, feasibility studies, project management and Appropriate Assessments particularly with regards to the Breckland SPA. He has been involved with mitigation projects for badgers, great crested newts and reptiles, and has organised bird collision studies at a meteorological mast and wind farms.